Instead of the pool top-up, OUTriC members no longer need a swim top-up/Active Fusion membership to gain access to the pool for club sessions. Instead, there will be a centralised Sports Fed fee of £3.50 for annual memberships and £1.50 for termly memberships. Members will be charged that amount on-top of the club membership in upon purchasing the membership.
Oxford University students - £70 for the year
Membership for current matriculated Oxford University students
External members* - £75 for the year
Membership for alumni, University staff, Oxford Brookes students, training partners etc. Should have some kind of connection to Oxford University or Oxford Brookes University. External membership applications must be approved by the Club President.
Membership for ONE term only - £35 for students and external members
Membership for one term only.
*E.g. alumni, University staff, Oxford Brookes students, training partners etc. Should have some kind of connection to Oxford University or Oxford Brookes University. The total number of external members allowed by our Constitution is limited. External membership applications must be approved by the Club President
** E.g. alumni who still wish to be club members but are not based in Oxford. Long distance membership applications must be approved by the Club President.