2022-23 Committee

Justin Hayden
I’m a 3rd year Chemistry DPhil. I joined the club back in 2021 with no triathlon experience as an avid cyclist/runner and have loved being part of the club since! I'll be working with the rest of the committee to run the club and organise a fun year of training, socialising and racing. If you have any questions, about anything swim bike run related feel free to come say hi or drop me a message and I will try my best to help!
Email: justin.hayden@wadham.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Justin cycling at the Granada 2022 training camp.

Women's Captain: Carys Bill
Hi I’m Carys, a fourth year Earth Scientist at St Anne’s! I love tri and I love this club (even more than I love rocks!?). Since joining as a fresher 3 years ago, I have found the club to be really supportive, friendly and fun, creating an environment which lets people really enjoy training, socials and races, and to reach performance goals - whether that be learning to swim, completing first triathlons, contributing to Varsity victory clean sweeps or helping the women’s team win BUCS standard! As Women’s Captain, I’m looking forward to keeping up the good vibes and helping OUTriC continue to achieve lots of successes this year! To ask me anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch :)
Email: carys.bill@st-annes.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Carys running during her ultra-marathon!!!

Men's captain: Harri
Hey! I’m Harri, a second year DPhil studying the vaguely named “Environmental Research” course at St Cross. I made the brilliant decision of joining the club in my masters year and leapt straight back into it during my DPhil!
I came from a swimming (and hockey!) background but have loved every minute of this sport. I am so keen to answer any questions or help so just let me know.
Email: harri.ravenscroft@stx.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Harri on his bike during varsity

Treasurer: Kieran
Hey, I’m Kieran and I’m a second-year Chemistry DPhil student at Queen’s. I joined OUTriC at the beginning of my first year having wanted to try tri for quite some time, and haven’t looked back since! I’ve loved training with OUTriC and have found it to be a friendly environment, especially getting back into swimming having not done much in recent years.
As treasurer for the coming year, I’ll be managing the club’s finances, sort new equipment and look after club memberships. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about any of these!
Email: kieran.agg@chem.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Kieran enjoying the Granada views on the Easter 2022 training camp

Secretary: Arundhati
Hi! I’m Arundhati, a first year DPhil Student studying cancer science at New College. I joined OUTriC as a fresher in 2019 with a bit of a background in swimming and have never looked back since experiencing the swim-bike-run fun lifestyle! I’ll be at most sessions and would love to hear from you if you’re keen to join!
Email: arundhati.wuppalapati@merton.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Arundhati happy in the Lancashire hills!

Social Secretary: Jess
Hey! I’m Jess, a second year PPEist at Mansfield. I joined OUTriC last year as a fresher with a small background in swimming and a BIG love for the outdoors! I’ve discovered that the best way to enjoy the countryside is through swimming, cycling and running, so haven’t looked back since.
Myself and Cormac are your social secs next year and will be maintaining the legacy of OUTriC as the most young and fun club in Oxford! Come and say hi or email me at jessica.critchlow@mansfield.ox.ac.uk
Email : jessica.critchlow@mansfield.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Jess smiling stood on a rock with a view of Ullswater behind her.
Social Secretary: Cormac

Web Officer: Emily
Hi, I'm Emily a second year law student at Oriel. I have been doing triathlon since I was 11 and am currently attempting to go long distance. I joined OUTriC in freshers week and find swim sessions particularly enjoyable. I'll be around at most sessions, especially the swim sessions so be sure to stay hello especially if you don't mind starring in a social media post!!
Email : emily.alcock@oriel.ox.ac.uk

Sponsorship and Alumni officer: Ellie
Hi, I'm Ellie, a Medical Science DPhil student and this year's Sponsorship and Alumni officer. I joined OUTriC three years ago as a complete novice in all three sports and have since had a lot of fun trying them out (particularly cycling!). I’ve been on the OUTriC executive committee for the last two years working with the rest of the committee to run the club but I’m now taking a step back and focusing on finding some good partnerships and alumni friends! If you have any questions, big or small, about anything swim bike run fun related feel free to come and say hi and I will try my best to help!
Email: eloise.cross@hertford.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Ellie on top of a mountain in the Lake District

Novice and Welfare Officer: Debs
Hi, I'm Debs and I'm doing the same DPhil as Harri (the men's captain) but my research is way cooler than his (mainly because I look in the ice but also because physics >> earth sciences). I'll be the novice and welfare officer this year. I joined OUTriC last year having done a little bit of running before Uni, almost no swimming since primary school swimming lessons and having only got a road bike in the summer before joining. I found the club to be super welcoming to beginners and can confirm that 3 sports >> 1. As well as looking at ice, I also like procrastinating from looking at ice by answering emails/messages so if you have any questions/concerns about triathlon no matter how small/basic you may think they are feel free to message or email me deborah.cotton@stx.ox.ac.uk. I'll also be at most sessions so do come and say hi!
Email: deborah.cotton@stx.ox.ac.u
Photo ID: Debs before a swim in Hinksey Lake

General Officer (specialising in Training Camp!!!): Alice
Hi! I’m Alice, a first year DPhil studying Oncology at Keble. I made the classic migration from rowing to tri last year and have well and truly fallen in love with the club!
I came from a running background but am a self-proclaimed connoisseur of Oxfordshire’s best cafe rides so hmu for yummy pastry recommendations. I had so much fun at training camp last year and am hoping to help make sure that this year’s is just as incredible. Let me know if you have any questions about camp or literally anything else - I’m always super happy to chat!
Email: alice.evans@keble.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Alice hiking on training camp

Training Camp Officer: Emma Rowland
Hi, I'm Emma and I am studying for an MPhil in Law this year. This is my 5th year in the club - making me one of the longest serving members of the club. I joined in my first year and have been hooked ever since - mainly due to the lovely people in the club.
This year I am training camp officer and look forward to planning a fun week of training, eating and all round fun-trip.
Email : emma.rowland@exeter.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: Emma on a run

Stash (Kit) Officer: John
Hey! I’m John, the club’s kit officer and a second year DPhil student looking at the application of Machine Learning to Quantum Chemistry (a lot less cool than it sounds). Like Harri, I made the brilliant decision of joining the club in my masters year and leapt straight back into it during my DPhil! I come from a football, cross-country and more recently rowing (booo!) background, but can safely say that triathlon beats all of these hands down (even at the start when I was still learning how to swim properly!)
Email: john.gardner@chem.ox.ac.uk
Photo ID: John cross training (hiking) in the alps